Jazbaat (Emotions), 1980

Showcard, c. 1975, c. 1980, 52cm X 37 cm
Tinted and untinted gelatin silver print and poster paint on textured board with hand-lettering and cut-out title.

Glass slide from Jazbaat

This film centres on a female pickpocket named Sapna who gets caught.  She goes on to become a popular singer and dancer after she is released by the police. Interestingly, this showcard focuses on the male lead, Inspector Kumar, with his large colour portrait in the centre. The two other frames show Sapna as a traditional Indian woman and not as a criminal. The “box style” composition is one used in billboard design as well.

The film Jazbaat (1980) was produced in 1980 by Tarachand Barjatya of Rajshri Productions and directed by Suraj Prakash.  Music by Raj Kamal, colour, Hindi, starring Raj Babbar, Savita Bajaj and Master Bhagwan.

— Text by Dr. Deepali Dewan and Alexandra McCarter, based on Deepali Dewan, ed. Bollywood Cinema Showcards: Indian Film Art from the 1950s to the 1980s. Showcards from The Hartwick Collection. Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum Press, 2011. Copyright of and reproduced here with the generous permission of the Royal Ontario Museum.

Deepali Dewan, ed. Bollywood Cinema ShowcardsIndian Film Art from the 1950s to the 1980sShowcards from The Hartwick Collection. Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum Press, 2011, p. 111, Cat. no. 63.

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