Veer Rajputani, 1955

Showcard, c. 1955, 37 X 37 cm
Tinted gelatin silver print and poster paint with letterpress text on paper mounted on board.

"Like mythological films, historical films, characterized by patriotic narratives, were a way to create a sense of national community through the portrayal of a shared pre-colonial past. This film is a historical drama, telling of the chivalry of the Rajputs and the bravery (veer) of their women (rajputani). The princely kingdoms of Rajasthan, an area in western India, became known as the defenders of Hindu traditions, first against the Islamic rulers of India such as the Mughals and later against the British. This showcard features a woman in Rajasthani dress and emphasizes pride in a pre-colonial past. This film marks the first major appearance of “Helen,” a British-born actress of Burmese descent who became famous for her performances in flamboyant dance sequences.

The film Veer Rajputani (1955) was produced by Basant Pictures, and directed by J. B. H. Wadia.  Music by Bulo C. Rani.  Black and white, Hindi, starring Shakila, Manhar Desai and Helen."

--Text by Dr. Deepali Dewan and Alexandra McCarter, based on Deepali Dewan, ed. Bollywood Cinema ShowcardsIndian Film Art from the 1950s to the 1980s. Showcards from The Hartwick Collection. Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum Press, 2011. Copyright of and reproduced here with the generous permission of the Royal Ontario Museum.

Deepali Dewan, ed. Bollywood Cinema ShowcardsIndian Film Art from the 1950s to the 1980sShowcards from The Hartwick Collection. Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum Press, 2011, p. 56, Cat. no. 3.

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